Promotion Criteria

The promotion of a child does not depend entirely on the result of a single examination. The school has a system of continuous assessment with the help of Periodic Tests. To qualify for promotion, a student must fulfill the following conditions:

  • He/She should have made satisfactory progress in English and attained the standard to be eligible for promotion in all subjects by the end of the academic session.
  • He/She should have attained a minimum aggregate of 40 percent in all the subjects.
  • Should a child fail to qualify for promotion in a class at the end of two consecutive years, he/she will have to be withdrawn from the school.
  • Any student, who because of detention in a class, attains an age which is two or more years above the average age of the class may have to be withdrawn.
  • The assessment made by the Teachers and checked by the Principal are fair and final. No representation for promotion will be entertained.
  • Suggestions or complaints by the Parents should be submitted to the Headmistress in writing along with the full name, class and section of their wards and contact numbers.
  • Change in address or contact number of parents must be intimated immediately in writing to avoid inconvenience. Late comers will not be allowed to enter in the class. They will be sent back.
  • Parents or Guardians should see that all assignments are completed and homework given in the school diary is signed daily.
  • Full fees for summer and winter vacations will be payable when a withdrawal application is submitted in April and November.
  • Private tuition by staff members is TOTALLY BANNED.